About Us
For Indic Languages (including English), our Technology Startup eBhasha has created Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Computer Aided Translation (CAT) Platform and Processes, that leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology and Deep Learning, to assist/enable Professional Translators to produce Publishable Quality Content with minimal cognitive effort, and with far better Turn Around Time (TAT) thereby increasing the productivity.
eBhasha is the first company to provide comprehensive CAT Platform for Indian languages covering most of the mechanical and repetitive tasks. To facilitate the cognitive task of comprehension, Platform has a provision to get MT outputs from multiple MT systems available in the market.
With its AI powered language processing platform, eBhasha aims to scale the productivity of translators by more than two to three times, specifically in the domains of Informational and Technical Contents, expecting to unleash the growth of Indic language translation market. This consequently would generate high demand of domain specific Professional Translators in Indic languages.

Our vision is to open the Internet out to the common man in India via providing content in local Indian languages.

We aim to become leading technology company to stimulate Indian language translation industry.

To provide platform based translation technology and solutions for digital and audio-visual informational content in Indian languages deliverable on any digital platform.